Some events are still being processing. This might happen to latest blocks and usually takes a few seconds. Please, wait and try again later.
Some events are still being processing. This might happen to latest blocks and usually takes a few seconds. Please, wait and try again later.
Transaction id | Address | Amount | Status | |
#10 |
0x4b4e876fc7befbbe4c925c549abcc7a8086c099b8c393eec50e979afe7e2d26f |
- 127.000000000000000000 XPOW Id: avalanche-erc-20/0x735d8f3b6a5d2c96d0405230c50eaf96794fbb88 Name: XPower |
#11 |
0x4b4e876fc7befbbe4c925c549abcc7a8086c099b8c393eec50e979afe7e2d26f |
+ 127.000000000000000000 XPOW Id: avalanche-erc-20/0x735d8f3b6a5d2c96d0405230c50eaf96794fbb88 Name: XPower |
Some events are still being processing. This might happen to latest blocks and usually takes a few seconds. Please, wait and try again later.
Some events are still being processing. This might happen to latest blocks and usually takes a few seconds. Please, wait and try again later.