Special data
- Status: Successful
- Nonce: 249
- Type: 2
- Gas used: 58958 gas
- Gas limit: 59775 gas
- Gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Effective gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Max gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Max priority gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Input data: 0x1249c58b0021fb3f
Some data is still being processed.
In block 11,795,891
Confirmations 12,847,373
1 $4844 Id: base-erc-721/0x273ca93a52b817294830ed7572aa591ccfa647fd Name: EIP-4844 is Based
Events of Internal type are being processed.
There are no events of Main, ERC-20 and ERC-1155 types.