Special data
- Status: Successful
- Nonce: 53447
- Type: 1
- Gas used: 117620 gas
- Gas limit: 800000 gas
- Gas price: 0.66 Gwei
- Effective gas price: 0.66 Gwei
- Input data: 0x4888e36f
In block 20,913,039
Confirmations 5,763,257
Amount transferred:
0.000000000000000000 ETH Id: ethereum Name: Ethereum Verified currency
0.00 USD
Contract creation
Amount transferred:
0.000000000000000000 ETH Id: ethereum Name: Ethereum Verified currency
0.00 USD
Contract destruction
Amount transferred:
0.000000000000000000 SMART Id: base-erc-20/0x91ff962f7de9865d3ca8ca151bac28969f52f34b Name: Smart Token
Amount transferred:
0.000000000000000000 SMART Id: base-erc-20/0x91ff962f7de9865d3ca8ca151bac28969f52f34b Name: Smart Token
There are no events of Main, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 types.