Special data
- Status: Successful
- Nonce: 67
- Type: 2
- Gas used: 70438 gas
- Gas limit: 71300 gas
- Gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Effective gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Max gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Max priority gas price: 0.00 Gwei
- Input data: 0x86d1a69f
In block 17,935,287
Confirmations 4,052,461
18.515316666666666666 MOXIE Id: base-erc-20/0x8c9037d1ef5c6d1f6816278c7aaf5491d24cd527 Name: Moxie
There are no events of Main, Internal, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 types.