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Select type Main CashTokens (FT) (47) CashTokens (NFT) Main (mempool) CashTokens (FT) (mempool) CashTokens (NFT) (mempool)
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100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.




100.00 XMI Id: bitcoin-cash-fct/b69f76548653033603cdcb81299e3c1d1f3d61ad66e7ba0e6569b493605b4cbe Name: Microfi Free Flow Microfi Free Flow (XMI) is an experimental fungible CashToken issued on Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Total fixed supply is 1000000.00 XMI. The smallest unit is MI (it is like satoshi on Bitcoin) and represents a decimal, one zero and 1. Total amount of 1 million XMI (100 million MI) is distributed for free.

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Select type Main CashTokens (FT) (47) CashTokens (NFT) Main (mempool) CashTokens (FT) (mempool) CashTokens (NFT) (mempool)
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