Recent transactions
Select type Main Omni Layer (2) BRC-20 Main (mempool) Omni Layer (mempool)
Date & time Transaction id Amount Status
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Date & time Transaction id Amount Status



0.00250000 Omni tokens Id: bitcoin-omni/1 Name: Omni tokens Category: N/A Subcategory: N/A Data: Omni tokens serve as the binding between Bitcoin, smart properties and contracts created on the Omni Layer. URL:




0.05000000 Test Omni tokens Id: bitcoin-omni/2 Name: Test Omni tokens Category: N/A Subcategory: N/A Data: Test Omni tokens serve as the binding between Bitcoin, smart properties and contracts created on the Omni Layer. URL:


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Recent transactions
Select type Main Omni Layer (2) BRC-20 Main (mempool) Omni Layer (mempool)
Type / to focus