Transaction id


Dec 12, 2024   ·   03:13 UTC   ·   2 months ago



Transaction status

In block 44,797,418

Confirmations 2,365,154

Transaction purpose

Contract call

Transaction fee

0.002281539500000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency · 1.63 USD

Internal events




Amount transferred:

0.001000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


0.71 USD


Amount transferred:

0.030000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


21.55 USD


Amount transferred:

0.030000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


21.55 USD


Amount transferred:

0.600000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


431.04 USD


Amount transferred:

0.020000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


14.36 USD


Amount transferred:

0.005000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


3.59 USD


Amount transferred:

0.001000000000000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency


0.71 USD

BEP-20 events




Amount transferred:

0.030000000000000000 WBNB Id: bnb-bep-20/0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c Name: Wrapped BNB Verified currency


21.55 USD


Amount transferred:

2,322.769564062546385029 OCAI Id: bnb-bep-20/0xa5be1c483a593cb410a8e092010e9205615663c5 Name: OCAI


Amount transferred:

2,322.769564062546385029 OCAI Id: bnb-bep-20/0xa5be1c483a593cb410a8e092010e9205615663c5 Name: OCAI

Additional events

There are no events of BEP-721 and BEP-1155 types.

Special data

  • Status: Successful
  • Nonce: 73
  • Type: 2
  • Gas used: 1129475 gas
  • Gas limit: 1200177 gas
  • Gas price: 2.02 Gwei
  • Effective gas price: 2.02 Gwei
  • Max gas price: 3.00 Gwei
  • Max priority gas price: 2.02 Gwei
  • Input data: 0x
Type / to focus