Special data
- Status: Successful
- Nonce: 154
- Type: 2
- Gas used: 58009 gas
- Gas limit: 58009 gas
- Gas price: 3.03 Gwei
- Effective gas price: 3.03 Gwei
- Max gas price: 4.50 Gwei
- Max priority gas price: 3.03 Gwei
- Input data: 0x
In block 38,745,738
Confirmations 4,866,971
Monetary actions
0.000175767270000000 BNB Id: bnb Name: BNB Verified currency · 0.10 USD
83.420699821103677081 X314 Id: bnb-bep-20/0x003144b41d9743d402c5bdf3f72ca0f327aa0bca Name: X-314
1.702463261655177083 X314 Id: bnb-bep-20/0x003144b41d9743d402c5bdf3f72ca0f327aa0bca Name: X-314
There are no events of Internal, BEP-721 and BEP-1155 types.