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Introduction Swagger UI

JSON APIDocumentation

module tree

  • bitcoin
    • bitcoin-main
    • bitcoin-omni
    • bitcoin-brc-20
  • ethereum
    • ethereum-main
    • ethereum-trace
    • ethereum-erc-20
    • ethereum-erc-721
    • ethereum-erc-1155
  • aptos
    • aptos-main
  • arbitrum-one
    • arbitrum-one-main
    • arbitrum-one-trace
    • arbitrum-one-erc-20
    • arbitrum-one-erc-721
    • arbitrum-one-erc-1155
  • avalanche
    • avalanche-main
    • avalanche-trace
    • avalanche-erc-20
    • avalanche-erc-721
    • avalanche-erc-1155
  • base
    • base-main
    • base-trace
    • base-erc-20
    • base-erc-721
    • base-erc-1155
  • beacon-chain
    • beacon-chain-deposits
    • beacon-chain-withdrawals
    • beacon-chain-proposals
    • beacon-chain-attestations
    • beacon-chain-penalties
  • bitcoin-cash
    • bitcoin-cash-main
    • bitcoin-cash-fct
    • bitcoin-cash-nfct
  • bnb
    • bnb-main
    • bnb-trace
    • bnb-bep-20
    • bnb-bep-721
    • bnb-bep-1155
  • bob
    • bob-main
    • bob-trace
    • bob-erc-20
    • bob-erc-721
    • bob-erc-1155
  • botanix
    • botanix-main
    • botanix-trace
    • botanix-erc-20
    • botanix-erc-721
    • botanix-erc-1155
  • cardano
    • cardano-main
    • cardano-native-tokens
  • dash
    • dash-main
    • dash-dip-2
  • digibyte
    • digibyte-main
  • dogecoin
    • dogecoin-main
  • ecash
    • ecash-main
  • ethereum-classic
    • ethereum-classic-main
    • ethereum-classic-trace
    • ethereum-classic-erc-20
    • ethereum-classic-erc-721
    • ethereum-classic-erc-1155
  • fantom
    • fantom-main
    • fantom-trace
    • fantom-erc-20
    • fantom-erc-721
    • fantom-erc-1155
  • galactica-evm
    • galactica-evm-main
    • galactica-evm-trace
    • galactica-evm-erc-20
    • galactica-evm-erc-721
    • galactica-evm-erc-1155
  • gnosis-chain
    • gnosis-chain-main
    • gnosis-chain-trace
    • gnosis-chain-erc-20
    • gnosis-chain-erc-721
    • gnosis-chain-erc-1155
  • groestlcoin
    • groestlcoin-main
  • handshake
    • handshake-main
  • kusama
    • kusama-main
  • linea
    • linea-main
    • linea-trace
    • linea-erc-20
    • linea-erc-721
    • linea-erc-1155
  • litecoin
    • litecoin-main
    • litecoin-mweb
  • liquid-network
    • liquid-network-main
  • monero
    • monero-main
  • moonbeam
    • moonbeam-main
  • opbnb
    • opbnb-main
    • opbnb-trace
    • opbnb-bep-20
    • opbnb-bep-721
    • opbnb-bep-1155
  • optimism
    • optimism-main
    • optimism-trace
    • optimism-erc-20
    • optimism-erc-721
    • optimism-erc-1155
  • peercoin
    • peercoin-main
  • polkadot
    • polkadot-minimal
  • polygon
    • polygon-main
    • polygon-trace
    • polygon-erc-20
    • polygon-erc-721
    • polygon-erc-1155
  • polygon-zkevm
    • polygon-zkevm-main
    • polygon-zkevm-trace
    • polygon-zkevm-erc-20
    • polygon-zkevm-erc-721
    • polygon-zkevm-erc-1155
  • rootstock
    • rootstock-main
    • rootstock-trace
    • rootstock-erc-20
    • rootstock-erc-721
    • rootstock-erc-1155
  • sei-evm
    • sei-evm-main
    • sei-evm-erc-20
    • sei-evm-erc-721
    • sei-evm-erc-1155
  • solana
    • solana-minimal
  • stellar
    • stellar-main
    • stellar-operations
  • ton
    • ton-main
    • ton-jetton
    • ton-nft
  • tron
    • tron-main
    • tron-internal
    • tron-trc-10
    • tron-trc-20
    • tron-trc-721
    • tron-trc-1155
  • xrp-ledger
    • xrp-ledger-main
    • xrp-ledger-ft
    • xrp-ledger-nft
  • zcash
    • zcash-main
  • zksync-era
    • zksync-era-main
    • zksync-era-trace
    • zksync-era-erc-20
    • zksync-era-erc-721
    • zksync-era-erc-1155

json api

general response schema

  • data[data] array or string on error
  • ?mixins[mixins] array or undefined
  • ?library[library] array or undefined
  • context array
    • code integer
    • api array
      • version string
      • notice string
    • time float
    • limit integer
    • ?id integer

note: `id` param may be used with any endpoint. if it's used,
`` will yield the request id similar to the json-rpc 2.0 standard.

data endpoints

endpoint params `data` output

stats for ecosystems, blockchains, or modules

  • `?from=` → ecosystem list, or blockchain list, or module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is `all`
  • `?mode=` → `greedy`, `non-greedy`, or `default` which is `non-greedy`; if `?from=` is provided with a list which is ambiguous in terms whether it's a blockchain or an ecosystem list, `greedy` will switch processing to ecosystems, while `non-greedy` will treat the list as a blockchain list
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`, `currencies`, `rates({:list})`)
  • blockchains[blockchain] array
    • best_block integer
    • best_block_hash string
    • best_block_time timestamp
    • events_24h[module] integer
    • mempool_events[module] integer
    • progress[module] float

paginated block list

  • `?data=` (required) → data bits, comma-separated list of (`blocks`), at least `blocks` is required
  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is the first module
  • `?limit=` → `1`, `10`, `100`, `1000`, or `default` which is `10`
  • `?page=` → paginates blocks; `-0`, `0`, `ℕ`, or `default` which is `-0`
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`)
  • blocks[block] paginatable array
    • hash string
    • time timestamp
    • events[module] integer

block data, {:block} can be set to `-1` to display mempool information

  • `?data=` (required) → data bits, comma-separated list of (`block`, `events`), at least one is required
  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is the first module; exactly one module must be specified when paginating past the default page
  • `?limit=` → `1`, `10`, `100`, `1000`, or `default` which is `10`
  • `?page=` → paginates events; for blocks: `0`, `ℕ`, or `default` which is `0` (no offset limit); for mempool: `-0`, `-ℕ`, or `default` which is `-0` (max offset is 100k)
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`, `currencies`, `extras`, `rates({:list})`)
  • block array
    • block integer
    • hash string
    • time timestamp
    • events[module] integer
  • events[module][] paginatable array
    • transaction string
    • sort_key integer
    • address string
    • currency string
    • effect numeric
    • failed boolean
    • extra string
    • extra_indexed string

transaction data

  • `?data=` (required) → data bits, comma-separated list of (`transaction`, `events`), at least one is required
  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is the first module; exactly one module must be specified when paginating past the default page; if module does not support transaction ids it is discarded
  • `?limit=` → `1`, `10`, `100`, `1000`, or `default` which is `10`
  • `?page=` → paginates events; `0`, `ℕ`, or `default` which is `0` (no offset limit)
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`, `blocks`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`, `currencies`, `extras`, `rates({:list})`)
  • transaction array
    • block integer
    • transaction string
    • time timestamp
    • events[module] integer
  • events[module][] paginatable array
    • sort_key integer
    • address string
    • currency string
    • effect numeric
    • failed boolean
    • extra string
    • extra_indexed string

address data

  • `?data=` (required) → data bits, comma-separated list of (`address`, `balances`, `events`, `mempool`), at least one is required
  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is the first module; exactly one module must be specified when paginating past the default page
  • `?limit=` → `1`, `10`, `100`, `1000`, or `default` which is `10`
  • `?page=` → if paginating balances: `0`, `ℕ`, or `default` which is `0` (no offset limit); if paginating events or mempool: `0`, `ℕ`, `-0`, `-ℕ`, or `default` which is `-0` (max offset is 100k records); when paginating, `?from=` must contain exactly one of (`balances`, `events`, `mempool`) and may additionaly contain `address`
  • `?segment=` → date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format; shows events only for this date; when specified, `events` must be present in `?data=`, `mempool` must not be present in `?data=`; drops max offset constraint on `?page=`; exactly one module must be specified in `?from=` even for the default page
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`, `currencies`, `extras`, `rates({:list})`)
  • address array
    • address string
    • balances[module] integer
    • events[module] integer
  • balances[module][currency] paginatable array
    • balance numeric
    • events integer
  • events[module][] paginatable array
    • block integer
    • transaction string
    • sort_key integer
    • time timestamp
    • currency string
    • effect numeric
    • failed boolean
    • extra string
    • extra_indexed string
  • mempool[module][] paginatable array
    • same as events[module][]

multiple address last seen data (max. 100 addresses)

  • `?data=` (required) → data bits, comma-separated list of (`heights`, `mempool`), at least one is required
  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is the first module
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`, `modules`)
  • heights[address][module] integer
  • mempool[address][module] integer

tip: the heights array yields the lastest block number in which the address is present, while for the mempool array it's the latest transaction unix time

search in all blockchains (blocks, transactions, addresses)

  • `?q=` (required) → search string
  • `?from=` → blockchain list, comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is `all`;
  • `?in=` → entity list of (`block`, `transaction`, `address`), comma-separated, or `all`, or `default` which is `all`;
  • `?mixins=` → mixin data, comma-separated list of (`stats`)
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`blockchains`)
  • results[?blockchain] array or undefined
    • ?block string or undefined
    • ?transaction string or undefined
    • ?address string or undefined
special endpoints

database dump list

  • `?from=` → module list, comma-separated, or `all`
  • `?mode=` → `all` for the full list, `latest` for the latest dump only, `stats` for the summary; `all` can't be used if `?from=` is `all` or lists more than one module
  • `?library=` → library data, comma-separated list of (`modules`)
for `all` and `latest` modes:

  • dumps[module][date] array
    • module_version integer
    • blocks integer
    • events integer
    • uncompressed_size integer
    • compressed_size integer
    • compression_algo string
    • compression_level int
    • link string
    • checksum string
    • checksum_algo string
    • checksum_link string
    • olap boolean

for `stats` mode:

  • dumps[module] array
    • blocks integer
    • events integer
    • uncompressed_size integer
    • compressed_size integer


mixin can be used in `mixins` output

yields stats on blockchains which are present in `data` (useful for getting the number of confirmations)

all endpoints except for `/` and `/dumps`
  • stats[blockchain] array
    • best_block integer
    • first_block integer

yields block data for blocks which are present in `data` (useful for figuring out whether transaction has been processed by all modules); `processed` yields `null` and `true` for mempool, `false` and `true` for blockchain transactions; `false` means that transaction is yet to be processed by the corresponding module

`/{:blockchain}/transaction/{:transaction}` only
  • blocks[block]
    • processed[module] boolean


library can be used in `library` output

yields info on blockchains which are present in `data`

all endpoints except for `/dumps`
  • blockchains[blockchain] array
    • title string
    • description string
    • modules[] array
    • native_currency string
    • block_entity_name string
    • transaction_entity_name string
    • address_entity_name string
    • mempool_entity_name string
    • launch date string
    • is_testnet boolean

tip: first modules[] element is the default module

yields info on modules which are present in `data`

all endpoints except for `/search`
  • modules[module] array
    • title string
    • description string
    • mempool_implemented boolean
    • forking_implemented boolean
    • block_hash_format enum
    • transaction_hash_format enum
    • address_format enum
    • currency_format enum
    • currency_type enum
    • transaction_render_model enum
    • fee_render_model enum
    • extra_data_model enum
    • special_addresses[] array
    • first_block_id integer
    • complements_module string
    • blockchain string
    • dumps_implemented boolean
    • is_main boolean
    • pruning_interval string

yields info on currencies which are present in `data`

`/{:blockchain}/block/{:block}`, `/{:blockchain}/transaction/{:transaction}`, `/{:blockchain}/address/{:address}`
  • currencies[currency] array
    • name string
    • type enum
    • symbol string
    • decimals integer
    • description string

yields additioan info for `extra` fields which are present in `data`

`/{:blockchain}/block/{:block}`, `/{:blockchain}/transaction/{:transaction}`, `/{:blockchain}/address/{:address}`
  • extras[module][extra] string

exchange rates for all currencies in `data` on all met timestamps (plus `now` for balances) for comma-separated list of (`usd`) traditional currencies

`/{:blockchain}/block/{:block}`, `/{:blockchain}/transaction/{:transaction}`, `/{:blockchain}/address/{:address}`

tip: `?data=block` is imperative for `block` and `?data=transaction` is imperative for `transaction` as they yield needed timestamps
  • rates[time][currency][fcurrency] numeric


enum variants
  • AlphaNumeric
  • HexWithout0x
  • HexWith0x
  • AlphaNumeric
  • HexWithout0x
  • HexWith0x
  • Zilch
  • AlphaNumeric
  • HexWithout0x
  • HexWith0x
  • Static
  • Numeric
  • AlphaNumeric
  • HexWithout0x
  • HexWith0x
  • UTXO -> Bitcoin-like transactions with inputs (senders) and outputs (recipients)
  • Even -> there's always an even number of events in a transaction; all events come
    in "sender -> recipient" pairs; EVM chains use this model
  • EvenOrMixed -> there's no definite order, but the `Even` model should be followed if possible
  • Mixed -> there's no definite order of events, they should be displayed row by row
  • Zilch -> there are no separate transactions in this module, they can only be seen via the block interface
  • LastEventToTheVoid -> if the last event in a transaction is a transfer
    to `the-void` - it's the fee, otherwise the fee is 0
  • ExtraF -> there may be two events with `f` in the `extra` field,the negative one is
    the fee payer, the positive one is the fee recipient (miner, validator, or `the-void`)
  • ExtraBF -> the same as `ExtraF`, but there may also be two extra
    events with `b` which mean additional fee burning to `the-void`
  • Zilch -> no fee model is specified for the module
  • Default -> `extra` contains on of the default marks: `f`, `b`, `r`, `i`, `u`, `c`, `d`, `n`
  • Type -> `extra` contains some module-specific event type
  • Identifier -> `extra` contains id of a token being transferred (used for nft, mt, such as erc-721 and erc-1155)
  • Zilch -> there's no extra data for events in this module
module.currency_type, currency.type
  • FT -> fungible tokens (bitcoins, ethers, ERC-20 tokens, etc.);
    for fungible tokens, `effect` is the transferred amount.
  • NFT -> non-fungible tokens (e.g. ERC-721);
    for nfts, `effect` is either `-1` or `1` and `extra` contains the token id.
  • MT -> multi token (e.g. ERC-1155);
    for mts, `effect` is the transferred amount of `extra` tokens.

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