Transaction id


Jan 22, 2024   ·   14:39 UTC   ·   1 year ago



Transaction status

In block 52,623,067

Confirmations 15,512,173

Transaction purpose

Contract call

Transaction fee

0.495695761405042920 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC

Internal events




Amount transferred:

217.187500000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

217.187500000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

217.187500000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

108.593750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

108.593750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

108.593750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

21.718750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

21.718750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

21.718750000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

56.250000000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC


Amount transferred:

6.250000000000000000 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC

Additional events

There are no events of ERC-20, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 types.

Special data

  • Status: Successful
  • Nonce: 69987
  • Type: 2
  • Gas used: 1306252 gas
  • Gas limit: 20000000 gas
  • Gas price: 379.47 Gwei
  • Effective gas price: 379.47 Gwei
  • Max gas price: 900.00 Gwei
  • Max priority gas price: 300.00 Gwei
  • Input data:


Type / to focus