Special data
- Status: Successful
- Nonce: 1770
- Type: 2
- Gas used: 91775 gas
- Gas limit: 102684 gas
- Gas price: 890.75 Gwei
- Effective gas price: 890.75 Gwei
- Max gas price: 931.77 Gwei
- Max priority gas price: 698.82 Gwei
- Input data: 0x19c1fcbd
In block 56,008,557
Confirmations 7,723,638
Monetary actions
0.081748853244577025 MATIC Id: matic Name: MATIC Verified currency · 0.05 USD
1,000.000000000000000000 LFG Id: polygon-erc-20/0x8bff1bd27e2789fe390acabc379c380a83b68e84 Name: TurnUp $LFG
There are no events of Internal, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 types.